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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

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Streaming Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) full movie online HD free.

The Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was the movie in 2010 that's directed by Edgar Wright.

This Action movie was released on 13 Aug 2010 in the theater.

The Scott Pilgrim vs. the World movie starred by Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim and also Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona V. Flowers.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 2010 Detail / Info

Genre : Action, Adventure
Duration : 112 min
Release Date : 13 Aug 2010
Rating : 7.5
Writer : Michael Bacall (screenplay), Edgar Wright (screenplay), Bryan Lee O'Malley (Oni Press graphic novels)
Director : Edgar Wright
Company : Universal Pictures
Movie Casts :
Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona V. Flowers,Kieran Culkin as Wallace Wells, Chris Evans as Lucas Lee, Anna Kendrick as Stacey Pilgrim, Brandon Routh as Todd Ingram

The Synopsis / Storyline of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim is a film adaptation of the critically acclaimed, award-winning series of graphic novels of the same name by Canadian cartoonist Bryan Lee O’Malley. Scott Pilgrim is a 23 year old Canadian slacker and wannabe rockstar who falls in love with an American delivery girl, Ramona V. Flowers, and must defeat her seven "evil exes" to be able to date her.

Scott Pilgrim must defeat his new girlfriend's seven evil exes in order to win her heart.

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